
New Lakorn

Hi guys,
I'm so happy now. Ada beberapa lakorn seru yang sedang tayang. Ini daftar lakorn yang aku follow:
Mee piang rak, 

Leh rak bussaba, 

Yuttakarn prab nang marn, 

prom mai dai likit, 

dan banyak lagi. 


Pee Kaew Nang Hong - Bella Ranee and Grate Warintorn


Ini series baru dari Bella Ranee, di sini dia berpasangan sama Grate Warintorn. Duh karena lagi capek plus keyboard PC ku error terus kayaknya aku bakal tulis ini besok Ya . See You.

OK. Update lanjut 
Actually, ini series masih belum tayang di Thailand nya, tapi bentar lagi akan tayang. So kalo ada salah penjelasannya Maaf ya. Dari teaser (kalian bisa liat cuplikannya di Yt atau lainnya) yang udah ada saat ini kayaknya cukup agak menjelaskan karakter utama dari series ini. Genre series ini romance, tapi juga revenge dan ada dikit horor nya he he, Sekian intronya guys. Ups lupa, ini juga ada time travelnya, secara pembalasan dari masa lampau.

Lanjut ke plotnya,
Cerita berfokus sama Gadis bernama Pikul, dia gadis yang bertalenta di musik, dan tergabung dalam kelompok musik yang juga diketuai oleh ayahnya. Pikul bermain bpee kaew (sejenis seruling dari bambu). Tatkala itu pengaruh budaya barat mulai merambah begitu pula dalam hal musik, maka kelompok musik ini dipinta untuk berhenti dan terusir ke suphan buri (kayaknya nama daerah bukan kota). Untuk terakhir kalinya Pikul memainkan Bpee Kaew nya. Dan Pikul (Bella) kayaknya ketemu sama Khun Raj (Grate). Keduanya have a good impression gitu ya saling suka, Tapi catat ini Khun Raj , seorang playboy so not sure happy ending. Lebih lanjut Khun Raj ini keluarga terpandang, so pasti liat bebet bobot dan apanya kalo mau menikah. 

Udah dulu ya. Nanti lanjut lagi reviewnya kalo uda tayang.  See You.


Jao Sao Jum Yorm - Mik Thongraya and Pooklook Fonthip

Jao Sao Jum Yorm - Mik Thongraya and Pooklook Fonthip

Finally ☺ ada juga series yang bisa aku tongkrongin lagi abis game sanaeha, yang bikin nyesek.

Kali ini series yang bikin aku kalem and senyum sendiri parah. Well, series ini present by Channel 7 Thailand, ga biasanya ku main ke zona ini he he, ya belom lama ini suka sih nonton series dari Channel ini. Harap cemas waktu lihat trailer nya Takut nyesek juga di pertengahan kayak waktu Game Sanaeha. Tapi kuatkan niat abis ada mik sama mbak pooklook, tambah lagi plot nya yang asik, berasa Kdrama gitu, Ok Sekian first impression aku sama series ini.

Maysarin and Kadethaen

Note: Sepasang duri yang aku cuekin tapi  sering muncul

Plotnya yang bikin aku nongkrongin series satu ini,
Kadethaen (Mik) yang super duper perfect ditinggal di hari pernikahannya (bikin nyesek juga ga tega liat nya) ketemu sama Maysarin (Pooklook) yang juga gagal menikah karena cowok rese, penakut (sama mamanya). Nah dua love bird yang lagi galau ini ketemu di pantai. Sama-sama ditinggal orang tersayang ya jelas dah galau setengah mati, parah. Ga sanggup jalan lagi Maysarin minum (duh gagal paham disini aku) sampe lupa daratan gitu, untunglah Kade ngeliat May, secara jiwa kepahlawanan nya blooming dan ups mereka enjoy the night terus mereka pura-pura nikah disana (setting nya lagi ada pesta gitu di pantai, tau pestanya siapa? kasih tau kalau ada yang tau yaa ðŸĪ”ðŸĪ”)

Nah uda itu yang duh duh, finally they do it (ga berani aku nulisnya he he). Ok lanjut, paginya baru deh pada bingung, tapi Kade sih happy banget, Man and woman beda ya. Singkatnya May ga terima sama kenyataan yang pahit tapi asem tapi manis buat Kade ini. Kade pantang buat mundur lha uda blooming kan Kadenya. Gosh, ep 1 uda well done, terus nanti ngapain lagi itu kira-kira yang aku bingung.

Untunglah aku niat banget lihatnya, jadi lanjut di episode 2, dan sampai akhir.
Kade pasang otak buat dapetin May, syukurlah situasi mendukung Kade, May yang juga pengusaha berusaha buat mempertahankan image nya yang bersih, tapi apa lah daya wartawan ilegal (paparazzi) merekam semua kejadian yang panas dingin buat aku ngelihatnya (Moment happy nya Kade itu lho).
Jadilah pernikahan palsu ini menjadi setengah Original (baru 1/2 kan yang Like nya baru Kade doang)

Lanjut, May sama Kade tinggal serumah se-condo gitu. Biar papanya May ga curiga soal pernikahan dadakan ini. Up and down, ngeliat Kade yang ampun ah aku ga bisa segula itu or semanis itu sama May. Teng Teng Blooming juga May, ya May mulai suka sama Kade, tapi itu duri duri mulai muncul, Mantan permantanan keduanya pada pop up, sebel sumpah aku kesel 24 karat. Eh May malah luluh aja dimanfaatin sama Sarut mantannya, syukurlah Kade marah banget ngeliatnya jadi serulah ceritanya.

Ni mantan May (Sarut) sumpah ga mungkin ga enek liat sekilas aja udah bikin aku ngedumel tingkat dewa. Jadi kalau lagi kesel lebih baik di skip aja part nya ni orang. Tuhan bilang orang diciptain berpasangan nah begitu juga sama mantannya Kade yang ternyata sekarang jadi istrinya Sarut. Duh kembali ke jaman dulu alias flashback Kade itu mau menikah sama Pin, cinta pertamanya itu padahal ni cewek lagi hamil anaknya orang lain (Sarut). Duh gagal paham sama Kade. Untung aja ga jadi.

Tambah lagi muncul cowok super posesif yang suka banget sama May. Oho,,,,, cerita makin panjangkan, ok mbak penulis mulai mengarang essai dengan tahapannya, yang ga boleh kurang dari 5 lembar kertas folio. Kalau punya darah tinggi sekali lagi siapin obat atau cemilan jadi kalau karakter ini muncul tinggal ambil. Karakter Nakarin ini gemes dan bikin capek sumpah, aku selalu nyemil aja waktu ni orang muncul, perfect cast. Uda liat mukanya bikin laper he he eh bajunya itu lho, kalau ada yang niat liat deh celana nya waduh ku tak sanggup. mbak stylist nya maksa tingkat dewa nih.

Nama nya mirip ya sama Maysarin = Nakarin gosh ini aku ngerti deh, tapi lanjut ya, papa May ternyata pernah nikah sama mamanya Nakarin ini, so kenapa juga Nakarin cinta mati sama May??
boleh jawab kalau yang mau atau udah tau

Hoho banyak juga ya spoilernya dari aku.......
Intinya buat yang suka series yang romance bolehlah coba yang satu ini
Jujur aku ga berasa ini kayak series biasanya dari channel 7 yang biasanya.........
Ini lebih kayak Channel satunya lagi, sedikit korean gitu

Bye udah dulu ya. Paling penting ini Happy ENDING.


Neung Nai Suang : James Jirayu & Yaya Urassaya

Neung Nai Suang : James Jirayu & Yaya Urassaya

Oho, I try to make summary for this one, but I cant make it and decided to drop it. Sorry guys.


Game Sanaeha - James Jirayu and Taew Natapohn

June 25, 2018 Oho..... Finally I found another cup of my tea. 
Hey guys Here my new project

Check Check....
Male Lead : James Jirayu OK

Female Lead : Taew Natapohn OK, Like her since Plerng Toranong

Second Lead : Dont know her name but like her appearance on Rareng Fai, Pretty annoy me, Congratz

Hmmmm, The most important THe story line : Real my cup of tea OK

First episode very fond of it. Long waiting was repaid. Every character on the right place, No wonder I have a good feeling about it, back then I just happy to see the pairing, seem not hard to believe they play in those character. Then read the plot OMG super happy. They like imaginary couple but real ((I Hope) but seem far away though). Here james play as PERFECT as him in Paddivarada really worth.

Then lets start my impression through this 

Luckanai and Muenchanok grow up together. Both of them Happy as brother sister. Until ..... I dont know what happen later that make them grow apart (Writer not yet tell us). Muenchanok hate Luckanai as if he is the most disgusted person in her life. Muenchanok can't accept him as part of her family. On the other side, Luckanai was very fond of her, beside his way to thanking her parent as adopted child but also like her as a woman. 

Muenchanok go abroad to study then after she finished it she back to her castle (here Muenchanok as princess syndrome since their parent really love her then spoil her).Through her arrival at her house she still happy as a princess that had everything, (love of parent, grandma, and rich). But later on she found out that her happy family has gone. her parent got divorce.

She can't accept it. More more this causing by his beloved dad had another lady.

It really boil up her. As result she try her best to destroy it. She make a scene toward her to be step mother. But it failed rather than it make her father lost his temper and hurt her so much. (I hate him at the moment too. this creepy father rather than pleasing his own blood choose his lady. after all he already fall to heels with that pretty and young lady as young her daughter (seeing this scene make me also lost my temper thanks god I will never have that kind scene in my life). Seeing no sympathy from his beloved father she realize everything already out of her control.

Time to change strategy that's her thought (me too). She try to approach her to be step mother. then finally she found out it weakness. Game of love started officially. She start to irritate her to be step mother. Yash it work. But still her father finally got married.
even it hurtful, she try her best to stand all of it. By God help she get chance to back bite her new stepmother by got married with Luckanai
(yuhuu, he is EX Boyfriend that she loved till now). So all player are on standby, all in one place. The hell that will make you cant apart. 

My view: I'm very enjoying this lakorn. Here taew became more bratty and vicious. She doing well here. I prefer lead lady with this temper rather than that so weak. Oh that bad lady also love it they so hype me to point boil me up up up till no water left for me to make a tea. Love you guys for make me realized the function of you. Last, here male lead very favorably, he give his best to be her home. I wonder if that kind people is exist in this life. James really blew me by his acting here. So fierce. 

OK. Maybe that's my impression plus the plot of this lakorn. Hope you feel the same as me. Happy Watching

Additional Player, I like her because she's the one that always take away the bad man around Muenchanok. Thanks Ya Lady.  

Note: This series is still airing now. Hope it has a happy ending. 


Neung Dao Fah Diew : Taew Nathaporn and James Jirayu

Next Time
Neung Dao Fah Diew :  Taew Nathaporn and James Jirayu
The Characters here....
James Jirayu as Sri Khan Thin

Taew Nathaporn as Maeng Mao
Praya Tak ( King Taksin)

Ekkaphong Jongkesakorn as King Mang Ra

Deaw Suriyon Aroonwattanakul as Praya Kamhaeng


Timeline James Jirayu & Toey


 The Characters

Toey as June

Jameji as Tan

Life as villager, Tan didn't want life as like as his father. But he also love his mom. But after feed up by slow life he dream on to life in Bangkok. He believe that he can change his life for sure. He did his best to study so he can go college at Bangkok. One day, he lost his temper and argument with his mom. Unexpectedly, his mom also lost her temper she slap Tan hardly to wake up him from dreaming.

 With his urgent being better and feel upset by his mom, Tan determine to leave home and go to Bangkok. Tan trying life at Bangkok by himself. As time goes by Tan still trying to get admit at one of College at Bangkok.

He meets June a cheerful girl. June always nice toward Tan because she like him. On the other hand, Tan just seeing June as friend only, He fall in love with another girl. June ask Tan to accompany her on her vacation. (we can say June make Tan little bit know about the city life).

June trying to please Tan with her best. June even learn to cook for him. (this scene so cute). Here the momento

 Even her parents so support her really lovable family. But heart only one and can function toward one people. (Oh poor her). Tan finally become couple with another girl.

Seeing him happy June realised there no chance for her to be part of Tan's life. So she decided to transfer her school in Japan.

 Yay it's cliche but that the true, After shes gone Tan start to tired with his love that force him to pretend. He could not be himself. Times up, Tan really miss June. He trying to contact June and  looking for her. But sorry JUNE in JAPAN guys. She already cool her mind.

Tan write a letter to June,... yay her parents give him a chance to make up. JUNE read it.

And decided to back. She take a boat and happily read the letter. But UNFORTUNATELY Baaaaad Suddenly a kid got fell down to the sea. June trying to help that kid. END

Tan so sad, he really miss June.

By chance check June SNS and find out June's  Confession,

 Sorry I omit some story because It will more fun to watch it.  I 'm watched it when I'm really down back then so I can connect it well. The feeling at the end so touch me. I hope everyone can appreciate this movie in better light. I recommend it when you want to cry out but didn't want get question by people around you. Let it be our answer, pretend to get sad from it. Good Luck

See You on the next PROJECT.

Soundtrack 1
Soundtrack 2

New Lakorn

Hi guys, I'm so happy now. Ada beberapa lakorn seru yang sedang tayang. Ini daftar lakorn yang aku follow: Mee piang rak,  Leh...